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Canadian Mail-Sent Pharmacy, a member of the Daughters of Charity Health System, has continuously provided care to the sick poor since 1856. With the Daughters of Charity, we foster the Catholic Church’s healing ministry and are a values-based health-care organization.

Mission Statement

In the spirit of our founders, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the Daughters of Charity Health System is committed to serving the sick and the poor. With Jesus Christ as our model, we advance and strengthen the healing mission of the Catholic Church by providing comprehensive, excellent healthcare that is compassionate and attentive to the whole person: body, mind and spirit. We promote healthy families, responsible stewardship of the environment, and a just society through value-based relationships and community-based collaboration.

Values of Canada pharmacy

The charity of Christ urges us to:

Recognizing our own value and the value of others.

Compassionate Service
Providing excellent care with gentleness and kindness.

Acting with integrity, clarity and honesty.

Advocacy for the Poor
Supporting those who lack resources for a healthy life and full human development.

Inventiveness to Infinity
Being continuously resourceful and creative.